The Roman Saturdays

The Roman Saturdays take place in Lent, each one of them has a peculiar name. The Roman Saturdays take place in Lent, each one of them has a peculiar name and start on the first Saturday following Jueves Lardero [Thursday before Lent], this year on February 15 and ending on April 1.This ancient tradition has been celebrated since the 17th century by the Franciscan Community of the Convento de la Victoria, but its secularisation occurred during the last quarter of 19th century and involves a visit of all the Biblical Corporations to the Chapel of Jesús Nazareno, located on the small hill that overlooks the town and that in past centuries lay outside the town’s limits. The Lent saeta [flamenco verse sung during processions] of Puente Genil is sung by various individuals and the music groups of the Roman Empire and the band of the Corporation of “Los Ataos” contribute to the great splendour of Lent Saturdays with music typical of the town.To attend the procession,the main street is that of Aguilar and the plaza del Calvario at around 10.30 pm. Further information:

  • Puente Genil Municipal Office:
  • Tel: +34 957 600 853
  • Fax: +34 957 600 853
  • E-mail: turismo@imsc.aytopuentegenil.es

The event is finished.


2025 Mar 31


Puente Genil