Castillo de los Sotomayor

Built on the remains of an ancient Arab fortress, the magnificent castle/palace of the Sotomayor family is protected by an ancient wall that surrounds the Caganchas stream, which possesses wall towers, one of which is used to extract of water.

Building commenced in approximately 1450, using local granite.

The castle occupies a surface area of 3500 square meters and possesses eight towers measuring 22 meters in height, which rise up along the wall.

The emblem of this castle takes the form of the majestic torre del homenaje [keep] that reaches a height of 45 meters and is crowned by sentry boxes on which the Sotomayor coat of arms are sculpted.

In view of the characteristics of this building, Gahete changed its name to Belalcázar [the beautiful fortress], recognising the palatial nature of this building, which was reinforced in the 16th century when Duke Francisco de Zúñiga y Guzmán de Sotomayor ordered the construction of a Plateresque palace on one of the wings of the castle.

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