Iglesia de la Compañía

The parish of San Salvador and Santo Domingo de Silos is popularly known as the church or iglesia de la Compañia, as it is the former headquarters of the Jesuits in Cordoba.

The building presents one of the most interesting examples of mannerism in Andalusia. Construction started in 1555 and finished in 1567, and the church is attributed to Bartolomé de Bustamante, although certain studies cite Hernán Ruiz II as the architect.

The church displays the characteristic Jesuit simplicity.

The temple plan is Latin cross, with a Renaissance style cupola lantern, whilst the nave is divided into three vaulted sections.

The figure of the Holy Sepulchre is a key feature, pertaining to the mannerist images of Cordoba, and the altarpieces are dedicated to San Francisco Javier and San Ignacio.

In terms of goldsmithing, attention should be drawn to the gilded monstrance by Juan Polaino.  

  • Address:

    Plaza de la Compañía

  • Zip:14002

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