Parroquia de Santa María de las Flores

Along the Paseo de Blas Infante –which includes a terrace overlooking the River Bembézar- we find the Parroquia de Santa María de las Flores, a late Gothic temple dating back to the early 16th century, consisting of a single nave supported by pointed transverse arches. 

The apse includes a restored section that belonged to the original 14th-century parish church, which possessed three naves separated by pointed arches.  

Attention should be drawn to the  images of  Nuestra Señora de los Angeles, patron of the village, which dates back to the  17th  century, and the Virgen de los Dolores, an eighteenth century carving by Juan Prieto.

Outside, the church boasts a Gothic main entrance, and one senses the influence of Hernán Ruiz I.

The tower, which was erected in 1781, is more recent.

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    Calle de Antonio Machado, 10

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