The babbling waters of the fountains, the white-washed walls and modesty of the area of La Villa and the Baroque exuberance. The babbling waters of the fountains, the shining white-washed walls and modesty of the area of La Villa and the Baroque exuberance of the temples represent a trilogy of beauty with which this old border town, sheltered amidst the mountains, seduces those travellers who a fortunate enough to visit the locality. Indeed, the town holds other surprises, such as the splendid Balcón del Adarve [a viewpoint], the shaded Fuente del Rey [Fountain of the King] and the winding calle Río, lined with houses formerly occupied by the nobility. Priego awaits.
- The town is located in the southeast of the province, at the intersection of the N-321 and C-336 roads.
- Distance from Córdoba: 103 km.
- Altitude: 649 m.
- Surface area: 286.2 km2.
- Population: 23.087.
- Term used to designate inhabitants: Prieguenses.
- Region: Subbética Cordobesa.
The Moors conquered this area and began to settle in the middle of the 8th century, constructing fortresses on the heights to watch over the roads. Protected by walls, the medina of Bagu [the Arabic name for Priego] probably arose around one of these fortified structures. When the Caliphate fell, the locality became part of the Zirid kingdom of Granada. In 1090, this territory was occupied by the Almoravids, who were displaced by the Almohads in the middle of the 13th century. Ferdinand III conquered Priego in 1226, subsequently ceding the locality to the Military Order of Calatrava, who lost the town in 1327 due to the treachery of a squire. In 1341, the town was definitively conquered by Alfonso XI, who repaired the walls and repopulated the town, to improve the security of this border region and reward those who had proved loyal to his cause. In 1370, Henry II ceded Priego to the Lord of Aguilar, Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba. I! n 1501, the Catholic Monarchs created the Marquessate of Priego and bestowed the title of Marquess on Pedro Fernández de Córdoba III of the House of Aguilar. Despite the fact that they did not reside in Priego, this noble house (which was absorbed by the House of Medinaceli in the 18th century) controlled the life of the town and continually attempted to increase their landed possessions, which provoked the protests of the inhabitants. In 1881, Priego achieved the status of a town.